This transmission is manufactured in Germany by ZF and carries the designation ZF-5HP-19. The ZF-5HP-19 Series is an electronically controlled, five speed automatic transmission with a lock-up clutch type torque converter. Two planetary gear sets, one Ravingneaux gear set and one standard planetary gear set on the output side, four rotating multiple disc clutches, three multiple disc brake clutches, and one sprag clutch (Freewheel) are used to provide the five forward speeds and reverse. The transmission found in BMW 97-Current, 3 Series E46, 5 Series E39, 7 Series E38. Audi 95-Current, A4, A8, Audi 97-Current, A6,
Porsche Boxter 1996-1997 VW Passat 96-Current. Standard versions have a shift quadrant using only the left gate as shown above. The versions that are equipped with One-Touch Control, supplied as an option and model dependent, have a two section shift
quadrant, also shown above. Positions P, R, N, D, 4, 3, 2, can be selected in the left-hand gate and all shifts are automatic depending on which selection was made. When the selector lever is placed in the right-hand gate, the transmission can be up-shifted manually, by tapping the lever in the direction of the “Plus” symbol, or down-shifted manually by tapping the lever in the direction of the “Minus” symbol. The seperate program switch is no longer needed, as functions A and B have replaced it. If the speed of the accelerator pedal movement is greatly varied, the shift points are modified for maximum fuel economy, or a more sporting driving style accordingly. There are three shift patterns for this purpose. When a system fault is detected which could impair normal reliable operation, the ECU module interrupts the power supply to Pin 12 at the transmission case connector. The ECU module also alerts the driver of any faults by signaling the vehicles “check control” system.
link dowload:http://www.europeantransmissions.com/Bulletin/DTC.VW/00-39.pdf
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